IT Recruitment

We understand the importance of building strong alliances between companies and IT experts. Our focus is on helping you achieve your goals, reduce costs, improve results, and reduce time. We build lasting partnerships between companies and experts. Together, we can achieve great things!


We conduct psychotechnical, psychometric, and projective assessments to help you better understand your candidates or employees. We know how important it is to have accurate and reliable information when making decisions in the workplace, which is why we offer a wide range of tests and tools to evaluate different skills and personality traits.

Our services include the application of psychotechnical tests, psychometric tests, semi-structured interviews, and projective tests. We also work with the HTP (House-Tree-Person) test, the Self-Test, the Bender GT test, the Lüscher Color Test, the MMPI-2, Rorschach, as well as intelligence tests such as the Raven Test, Toulouse, and WAIS, among others. Our team administers the tests in an ethical and confidential manner, ensuring the objectivity and reliability of the results. We also offer specialized advice to interpret the results and provide accurate recommendations based on the specific needs of your organization.

Organizational Consulting

We provide organizational consulting services for companies that are taking their first steps, especially in the area of human resources. We know how important it is to have a motivated, integrated, and recognized team, which is why we focus on offering solutions that drive the development and productivity of your company.
Our HR consulting services for startups are designed to help you establish effective recruitment processes, integrate different work cultures, and improve communication within your organization. In addition, we offer specialized workshops on IT recruiting and headhunting to train new interviewers and ensure the selection of quality talent. We also offer compensation analysis, organizational diagnostics, performance evaluations, and potential and psychotechnical assessments to ensure that your employees are in a favorable work environment and can reach their full potential. Furthermore, we are responsible for formalizing procedures and job descriptions so that each member of your team is clear on their responsibilities and goals. We believe that a well-structured work environment is key to the success of any company.

Occupational Medicine

At Werben HR, we provide a comprehensive Occupational Health Examination service to ensure the health and safety of your company’s employees. We offer customized training, tailored to the specific needs of your organization. Our team is focused on thoroughly understanding your company and designing a comprehensive plan that meets the established objectives. Because we understand the importance of caring for your workforce, and we are committed to providing you with effective and personalized solutions.
Contact us to learn more about these services and how we can assist you.

Environmental and Social Reports

We prepare Environmental and Social Reports to provide you with the information you need in a reliable and timely manner. Our team is responsible for verifying confidential background information, as well as checking work, neighborhood, and primary family references.
We know how important it is to have accurate and complete information when making relevant decisions, which is why we strive to provide you with a personalized and high-quality service.
We ensure that our reports are precise and detailed, so that you can have the peace of mind of making informed decisions.

Are you a Company? Let's have a meeting!

Our ability to deliver outstanding results to our partners and professionals begins with our team of coordinators and recruiters.